małgorzata stankiewicz

For centuries and against all odds, Poland’s Białowieża Forest withstood the barbarian human behav-iour within its grounds. Yet back in 2016, under the pretence of its protection, the new Polish Envi-ronment Minister Jan Szyszko had approved a large-scale logging in the areas which up until then had been excluded from all human intervention. When so much is being said about the environment in recent years, and our exigent and much-overdue need to protect it, Europe’s last primeval forest was being slain for two years following the directive of those who ought to protect it. Cry of an Echo is my protest, my personal voice of opposition. The images are a metaphor for my torment. It is my silent shout.

The project comprises a total of 46 images that were intentionally mistreated by masking, chemical contamination, uneven development, bleaching and retouching. Originally conceived as a handmade artist book, in 2017  Cry of an Echo won the Unseen Dummy Award.

The book is now published by Lecturis and printed by Wilco Art Books. The exhibition and the book launch were organized by Unseen Amsterdam and Bradwolff Projects.

press release
